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Foundations of Practice

Food. We gather over it. We thrive because of it. And yet, it can be a source of shame, pain and struggle. It can also ruin quality of life, and even send us to an early grave. My younger days were spent in constant conflict between what I thought I "enjoyed" eating verses what my body was telling me it needed. I missed social events, canceled fun plans and generally felt bloated and tired. As I moved towards adulthood, I was wrapped up in the "diet culture" of the time, depriving myself in the name of good health or shaming myself because I ate something on the "naughty list."

Years of trial and error and a masters degree in nutrition have helped me better understand how to enjoy food without the pain and struggle.  We are not meant to shame ourselves for our food choices or crawl across the finish line of life. 

My practice goal is to help you find balance and thrive. Scroll down to read more about how we can accomplish that.

And reach out anytime you're ready to start!

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating has changed my life. I do not take those words lightly. It truly has. Learning to slow down and listen to my body and hearing what it craves - which sometimes is a gooey Yellow Dog Bakery pecan sticky bun and sometimes is a giant CAVA green and grain bowl - has been the greatest gift to my personal health. Mindful eating involves slowly and intentionally enjoying the foods you love while reflecting on how food makes you feel physically and mentally.  "Was that burger delicious? Absolutely. Do I feel bloated and uncomfortable now? Yes I do. Would half a burger and a side salad serve me better? Maybe I'll try that next time." I would love to work with you and teach you how to tune into your hunger and satiety cues and find the freedom to enjoy food without shame or adverse physical effects. This is the hallmark of my nutrition practice and I can't wait to share it with you.

Health at
Every Size*

Health at Every Size (HAES) is a movement that celebrates body size diversity and respectful care for all. Every human is wonderfully unique and there are traits far more important than weight. I will work with you to free yourself from the scale and the belief that that number is all that matters. As we work together, we will focus on all the much more interesting and telling things about you...genetics and family history, sleep quality, mood, interests, blood work, cultural considerations, medications and other contributors to your health picture that, once understood and balanced, will help you feel your best in the body that is uniquely yours.

Learn more about this movement at

Holistic Approach

My education and knowledge base lie firmly with food, and while nourishment is key, it is not all that matters. Equally critical for whole body health are quality sleep, daily movement, time to unwind and destress, and of course, nourishing, delicious, culturally relevant, life-giving food. During our time together, we will discuss all four of these foundations to determine where the most work is needed. I want to get to know you and all the things that make up your whole health picture and help in any way that I can. This may involve referrals so that the food plan we vision together can work synergistically with our holistic approach, allowing you to truly feel your best.

Image by Jonathan Pielmayer
Meditating on Beach
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